Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Embarrassed

Zeal, my friends, is a fiery, potent energy. It's the spark in your eye, the spring in your step, the unstoppable oomph that propels you forward. But what happens when that zeal flickers, dimmed by the shadow of embarrassment?

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Depressed

The sun shines, birds sing, and yet... a gray cloud lingers.


Depression doesn't discriminate… it can visit even during life's brightest moments. 


When those vibrations dip low, the most important thing is to turn inwards. Recuperate. Rejuvenate. The last thing you need is self-criticism adding more heavy weight to your spirit.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When Everything Is Going Wrong

Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks, or months….) where it feels like the universe is conspiring against you?

You know, the kind where you spill coffee on your new blouse, your car breaks down on the way to work, and your presentation completely flops in front of the CEO. And then, just as you think it can't get any worse, you step in a puddle and ruin your favorite shoes.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Lost

Beautiful souls, have you ever felt utterly, gloriously lost? Maybe your path has grown hazy, your purpose dimmed. If so, I'm here to tell you: Celebrate it.

The wise Henry David Thoreau once said, "Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves." And isn't that the most exquisite truth?

Feeling lost is not a failure, darlings. It's a sacred invitation. An invitation to turn inward, to explore the uncharted territories of your soul, to unearth the treasures buried beneath the surface. It's a chance to ask the big questions: What truly sets your soul ablaze? What whispers your name in the quiet moments? What dreams have you tucked away, waiting for their moment to bloom?

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Stressed About Money

I'm going to be real with you my gorgeous souls. Money is a topic we often tiptoe around, but WHY?

It's the energy that flows through our lives, opening doors to security, joy, and the ability to care for ourselves and others. Yet, its absence can feel heavy, especially in times of uncertainty.

If layoffs or financial worries have dampened your fire, remember this: Your vibration is the key. When we fixate on lack, we block the very abundance we crave. It's like trying to light a candle in a windstorm!

So, how do we reignite our zeal amidst money stress?

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Disconnected

Sometimes, I feel like my usual enthusiasm has taken a vacation, leaving me feeling completely BLAH about life, work and everything in between. It's hard to even function at such a low vibrational level.

My friend, we ALL hit those moments where our zeal seems to completely fizzle out, sometimes for no reason at all. We feel disconnected from our friends, our family, our work… our purpose.

When you feel that low and sometimes scary disconnected feeling, it's important to go back to your ROOTS and back to connection.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Lonely

That ache in your heart, the yearning for connection, the longing for shared laughter and those deep conversations that only come with true understanding? It's a universal human experience, my dear. We all crave that sense of belonging, that feeling of being seen and heard for who we truly are.

But what happens when that connection seems distant? When the silence feels deafening, and the walls seem to close in? It's easy to feel overwhelmed, discouraged, even lost.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When Dealing With A Difficult Person

Life is full of beautiful moments, and I am deeply grateful to be surrounded by so many wonderful, talented, and kind-hearted people.

But let's be real... We've ALL encountered those energy vampires who try to suck the joy right out of us!

You know who I'm talking about – that person who leaves you feeling exhausted and drained after every conversation? They might be combative, argumentative, or just plain negative.

But here's the thing: YOU have the power to choose how you react!

You are NOT a victim of their negativity.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Undervalued

Have you ever felt like your talents and contributions aren't recognized? 

It's that hopeless feeling when you've poured your heart and soul into a project, only to feel completely overlooked. This feeling of being undervalued can be SO deflating, draining all of your energy and motivation...

 If this resonates with you, my beautiful friend, you're not alone! We've all felt undervalued at some point in our journey.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Feeling Angry

Anger, that fiery emotion we often try to suppress and conceal! It's often cast in a negative light, viewed as a destructive force capable of wreaking havoc on our lives, relationships, and overall well-being.

We're taught to fear it, to avoid it at all costs, to bottle it up deep within ourselves lest it escape and cause chaos.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Wish Things Were Different

Do you ever find yourself wishing for a different reality?

It could be working for a new company, living in a nicer house or even wishing you could change the past.It's a familiar feeling – the sadness of when things aren't as we'd like them to be.

Life is a mix of things we can change and things we can't. When we understand this, we can focus on what truly matters

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Burned Out

Burnout. It's a word I've been hearing far too often lately, from colleagues, friends, and even family.

In today's hustle culture, it's easy to fall into the trap of burnout. A place where passion dies and exhaustion takes over. But remember, dear friends, life is all about balance.

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Nadia Carta Nadia Carta

How to Spark Your Zeal When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed 

I like to think of my zeal as a fire, a radiant source of energy. Beautiful energy that I keep inside of me.

When overwhelm strikes, it's like a bucket of water right on top of those flames.  It’s cold, wet and miserable.

But even the tiniest ember can be fanned back to life with the right approach.

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