How To Spark Your Zeal When Everything Is Going Wrong


Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks, or months….) where it feels like the universe is conspiring against you? 

You know, the kind where you spill coffee on your new blouse, your car breaks down on the way to work, and your presentation completely flops in front of the CEO. And then, just as you think it can't get any worse, you step into a puddle and ruin your favorite shoes. 

I've been there before my friend. It's enough to make even the most optimistic soul want to curl up in bed and cry.


Darling, when life throws you a curveball (or five), it's OKAY to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or even defeated. But it's not okay to let it burn out your inner fire. Your zeal is not a fragile flame, it's a roaring bonfire that burns within you, ready to be reignited.


So, how do you fan those flames when everything seems to be going wrong?


First… give yourself a break. Recognize that SO much of life is out of your control. You can't always prevent bad things from happening, but you can control how you react to them.


Second, remember that this too shall pass. As the wise Maya Angelou said:

Nothing is permanent, not even your troubles.


Finally, shift your focus to what you CAN control. You can choose your attitude, your response, your mindset. You can choose to see challenges as opportunities for growth, and setbacks as stepping stones to success.  You can choose to rise above the chaos and reclaim your power.


So, my loves, when everything seems to be going wrong, don't give up on your zeal. Instead, use it as FUEL to overcome obstacles, learn valuable lessons, and emerge stronger than ever.


Remember, the darkest nights produce the brightest stars.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Depressed


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Lost