How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Lost

Beautiful souls, have you ever felt utterly, gloriously LOST? Maybe your path has grown hazy, your purpose dimmed.  

If so, I'm here to tell you…


The wise Henry David Thoreau once said,

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.
— David Thoreau

And isn't that the most exquisite truth?

Feeling lost is not a failure, darlings. It's a sacred invitation.

 An invitation to turn inward and ask the big questions:

  • What truly sets your soul ablaze?

  • What whispers your name in the quiet moments?

  • What dreams have you tucked away, waiting for their moment to bloom?

Embrace this feeling of being adrift.

Let it be your compass, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself.
Give yourself permission to wander, to experiment, to play.

Explore new passions, connect with nature, journal your thoughts, and dance in the moonlight.


As you reconnect with yourself, notice the little changes. A flicker of excitement. A whisper of clarity. A spark of that undeniable ZEAL that resides within you.

Remember, my loves, you are not alone. We all experience moments of feeling lost. But it's within those moments that the most profound transformations can occur.

So, dare to get lost. 

Dare to explore. 

Dare to ignite that inner sparkle that's waiting to shine. 

Your zeal is never gone dear ones. It's simply waiting for you to rediscover it.


How To Spark Your Zeal When Everything Is Going Wrong


One Year Of Igniting Passion & Purpose - Happy Birthday Spark Your Zeal!