How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Depressed

The sun shines, birds sing, and yet... a gray cloud lingers.


Depression doesn't discriminate… it can visit even during life's brightest moments. 


When those vibrations dip low, the most important thing is to turn inwards. Recuperate. Rejuvenate. The last thing you need is self-criticism adding more heavy weight to your spirit.


Maybe life threw you a curveball, or maybe this sadness arrived unannounced. Regardless I want you to always remember: 


I strive to radiate positivity, to elevate the energy of those around me. Yet, even I have days when the light dims… In those moments, I grant myself permission to feel. To acknowledge the darkness without judgment.


And then, I begin to stoke the embers.


Gentle Movement: A walk in nature, a few yoga stretches... reconnect with your body, remind yourself of its strength and resilience.


Nourishing Foods: Fuel your body with vibrant colors and wholesome ingredients. A simple act of self-love that can spark a subtle shift.


Creative Expression: Journal your thoughts, paint, sing... allow your emotions to flow freely, finding release through creativity. I'm a big fan of writing a love letter to myself in times like these.


Connection: Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Sharing your burden can lighten the load, reminding you of the love that surrounds you.


Mindfulness: Meditation, deep breathing... anchor yourself in the present moment, finding stillness amidst the storm.


Gratitude: Even in darkness, there are glimmers of light. Focus on the blessings, big and small, that grace your life.


Remember, this too shall pass. Just as the seasons change, so do our emotional states. Be patient with yourself, nurture your spirit, and trust that your zeal will reignite.


You are a radiant being, capable of weathering any storm. Your light may flicker, but it will NEVER extinguish.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Embarrassed


How To Spark Your Zeal When Everything Is Going Wrong