How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Embarrassed


Let's talk about something we all know too well: that uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment.

These feelings are universal (although that doesn't make us feel any better does it?) From public speaking to awkward silences that leave us sweating and wanting to crawl into a hole forever… it's not a fun place to be.

 We often equate embarrassment with shame and guilt. We allow these fleeting moments to define us and hold us back. 

But what if we could change the narrative? What if we could transform these moments of vulnerability into opportunities for growth and empowerment?

I see your embarrassment, and I raise you CONFIDENCE.

I want you to EMBRACE downfalls and brush them off with grace. 

Embrace the awkwardness. 

Embrace EVERY part of yourself, even the "embarrassing" parts. 

Because shame and embarrassment serve NO purpose. They hold us back from living our most authentic, vibrant lives.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
— Elbert Hubbard

This quote resonates deeply with me. It reminds us that our experiences, even the uncomfortable ones, shape us into the unique individuals we are today. They are part of our story, and our stories deserve to be celebrated, not hidden away in shame.


So next time you feel that wave of embarrassment wash over you, I want you to remember this: You are NOT your mistakes. You are NOT your awkward moments. You are strong, capable, and worthy of love and respect.


Own your story. Embrace your imperfections. And let your light shine brightly, even in the face of embarrassment.

And I'm always here for you.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Experiencing Doubt


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Depressed