Do you ever find yourself stuck in life's relentless routine, yearning
for something more

If so, you're not alone...

It's easy to get caught in the inertia of our daily lives, but the good news is that there's a way out, and Spark Your Zeal™ coaching is a proven approach to help you bring back the fire back to your work and life.

My coaching clients go from…

  • Lethargic and anxious to energized

  • Apathetic and disengaged to zealous

  • Unfocused and overwhelmed to on purpose

  • “On the fence” to clear and action-oriented

How it Works

It starts with helping you to identify your core values. What is important to you in life? What are you passionate about? Once you know your core values, you can start to create goals that are aligned with them.

But goals are not enough. You also need to have the motivation and inspiration to take action. You need to find that "Zeal". This is where Spark Your Zeal™ coaching comes in. Nadia will partner with you to craft the stories, metaphors, and images that will inspire you to keep going, even when things get wild.

Your Options

Choose between the focus and dedication of a 1:1 or the energy and bubbliness of a group session.


You will work with me for a semester with a monthly 60 minute session which will include:

  • Yearly plan with milestones

  • Accountability plan

  • Exclusive access to me via WhatsApp chat

  • Tools and processes to Spark Your Zeal™ at home

  • Special access exclusive products designed by me

  • % of discount to join the Spark Your Zeal™ coaching and mentoring group for networking

  • Opportunity to join the unique Spark Your Zeal™ referral program.


Coming soon!

Remember …

  • You are a seed, waiting to break through the ground and grow into a beautiful flower.

  • You are a river, flowing through life with purpose and direction.

  • You are a star, shining brightly in the sky.

  • You are a lion, strong and courageous.

  • You are a butterfly, emerging from your cocoon and ready to take flight.

With Spark Your Zeal™ coaching you will break free from inertia and start living a life that is truly inspiring, that it truly yours and that will transform you into light for you and others around you.