How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Worried About The Future 

If I had a dollar for every 'what if' that's kept me up at night, I could probably retire early. 

Of COURSE, I worry about the future.

Not only for myself but for my children, my family, my friends. Does it keep you up at night too?

I know I cannot control the future, and neither can you. But that's okay because the present is our playground, and it's where our true power lies. 


While we can't predict what tomorrow holds, we can choose how we respond today. 

What small steps can you take right now that will make a positive difference?

Maybe it's setting a clear intention for your day, practicing gratitude, or simply taking a deep breath and appreciating the beauty around you.

Remember, the future is not set in stone. It's a canvas we are constantly co-creating with our thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

4 Affirmations to Help You Embrace the Present

  1. I am grateful for this moment and all that it holds.

  2. I live in the present moment.

  3. I have confidence in myself and my ability to navigate the future.

  4. My future is bright, and I am excited to create it.

Say these affirmations aloud, write them down. Words have SO much power when we speak them.

Let them remind you of your innate strength and resilience.

The future is always uncertain, but that doesn't mean we're powerless.  

We have the power to cultivate a mindset of hope, courage, and unwavering belief in ourselves.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Like An Imposter 


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Made A Mistake