How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Like An Imposter 

This week I wanted to talk to you about imposter syndrome.

 Do you ever feel like a fraud at work, even though you're competent and accomplished?

Like you're just waiting for someone to discover you don't belong?

You're not alone, many of us doubt ourselves and feel like we don’t belong. But if we listen to it too much we might start to truly believe it and miss out.

Imposter syndrome:
The feeling of being a fraud or not deserving of your success, despite evidence to the contrary. 


Imposter syndrome is a terribly low vibration. So how do we raise our vibration and silence this imposter within ourselves?

1. Acknowledge It

The first step is recognizing those imposter feelings.

Say it out loud: "I'm feeling like an imposter right now." Just naming it can help lessen its power.

2. Challenge the Thoughts

Ask yourself, "Is this really true?”

”What evidence do I have to support this belief?"

Often, our minds play tricks on us.

3. Focus on Facts

List your accomplishments, skills, and experiences.

Look at the tangible proof of your competence.

4. Reframe Your Thinking

Instead of saying, "I don't deserve this," try:

"I worked hard for this, and I'm proud of what I've achieved."

5. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself!

Everyone makes mistakes and has moments of doubt. It's okay not to be perfect.

Remember, imposter syndrome thrives on self-doubt. It wants you to stay small and play it safe. But by acknowledging and challenging these feelings, you can break free from its grip. 

Celebrate your accomplishments, embrace your unique talents, and know that you have earned your place. 

You are capable, you are worthy, and your contributions matter. 

Don't let imposter syndrome steal your joy and hold you back from reaching your full potential.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Burned Out


How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Worried About The Future