How To Spark Your Zeal When You Wish Things Were Different

Do you ever find yourself wishing for a different reality?

It could be working for a new company, living in a nicer house or even wishing you could change the past.

It's a familiar feeling – the sadness of when things aren't as we'd like them to be.

Life is a mix of things we can change and things we can't. When we understand this, we can focus on what truly matters.

What I Cannot Change

1. The Past

Decisions that were made, words that were spoken, and events that have happened. What's done is done and we can only move forward.

2. Other People

Everyone is different, with their own unique personalities and ideas. We can try to understand and influence them, but ultimately they make their own decisions (even if we don't like it).

3. Global Events

Political conflicts, economic downturns, and global pandemics- these grand events are very much out of our control.

4. The Weather

Rain, sunshine, or snow – nature will always have its own agenda. Maybe it's rain on your wedding day or forest fires in the summer. All you can do is watch and wait.

5. The Job Market

Competition for positions, hiring freezes, or maybe a sudden layoff. Now more than ever, NOTHING is stable and everything can change in an instant. 

What I Can Change

1. My Mindset

You can choose optimism over pessimism, growth over stagnation. It's a conscious decision to cultivate positivity, a seed you plant and nurture with every thought. Remember, your mindset shapes your reality.

2. My Habits

You can create routines that support your goals. These are the building blocks of your dreams, the daily rituals that pave your path to success.

3. My Skills

Continuous learning and personal development are always within reach. Your mind is a universe waiting to be explored. In this life, we are never done learning!

4. My Environment

You can declutter your spaces, create inspiring surroundings, and connect with nature. Your environment is an extension of your energy. How can you design a space that reflects your highest self?

5. My Perspective

Shift your focus from what's lacking to what you're grateful for. I can tell you from experience… gratitude changes everything. 

Zeal is not about denying low vibrations; it's about channeling that energy into purposeful action. 

It's about lighting a fire within ourselves, even when the external world feels impossible.

I believe in you to make the best of bad situations and focus on the things that are in your control.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Feeling Angry


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