How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Feeling Angry

Today I wanted to talk to you about a powerful emotion… anger.

It’s that fiery emotion we often try to suppress and conceal! It's often cast in a negative light, viewed as a destructive force capable of wreaking havoc on our lives, relationships, and overall well-being.

We're taught to fear it, to avoid it at all costs, to bottle it up deep within ourselves lest it escape and cause chaos. 

But what if, dear friends, there's more to anger than meets the eye? What if this intense emotion holds a hidden power, a spark waiting to be ignited and transformed into something magnificent?

If we stop and listen, we will hear that the emotion itself is actually trying to TELL us something important. It's a sign that we've been disrespected, a boundary has been crossed, or a value has been violated. 

Anger is a natural human emotion, as inevitable as the tides. So instead of fighting it, what if we LEANED into it? 🧘‍♀️ 


Here are some of my favorite ways to transform anger into empowerment:

  • Move Your Body

    Let your body become a vessel for releasing that intense energy. Hit the gym, go for a run, dance like nobody's watching - let your movements be an expression of your power and resilience.

  • Unleash Your Creative Fire

    Anger can be a potent muse. Paint a vibrant masterpiece, write a passionate poem, sculpt a raw and emotive form, or sing a song that echoes with your emotions. Allow your anger to fuel your artistic expression and create something truly extraordinary.

  • Scream It Out

    Sometimes, a good yell is all you need to release pent-up frustration. Find a safe space where you can let it all out, whether it's in your car, in the shower, or in the depths of nature. Let the sound of your anger reverberate through the air and cleanse your soul.

  • Journal Your Way to Clarity

    Grab a pen and paper and let your anger flow onto the pages. Write down everything you're feeling, without judgment or censorship. This can help you gain clarity, understand the root of your anger, and discover hidden insights about yourself.

Remember, my dear friends, anger isn't the enemy. It's a messenger, a catalyst for change, a force that can propel us toward greater self-awareness and empowerment.  

Embrace your anger, understand its message, and use it as fuel for growth.

So, next time you feel that familiar feeling, what will YOU do with YOUR anger?


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Undervalued


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Wish Things Were Different