How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Stressed About Money

I'm going to be real with you my gorgeous souls. Money is a topic we often tiptoe around, but WHY?

It's the energy that flows through our lives, opening doors to security, joy, and the ability to care for ourselves and others. Yet, its absence can feel heavy, especially in times of uncertainty.

 If layoffs or financial worries have dampened your fire, remember this:

Your vibration is the key!

When we fixate on lack, we block the very abundance we crave. It's like trying to light a candle in a windstorm! 

So, how do we reignite our zeal amidst money stress?


1. Feel it, then release it

Don't bury your worries. Acknowledge them, then visualize handing them over to the Universe.

Imagine the weight lifting, replaced by an open, receptive energy.

2. Flip the script.

What if, instead of fearing lack, you choose to believe that money is already on its way to you?  

This isn't about denial, but a deliberate shift in your energy. What's yours will find you.

3. Focus on gratitude.

What riches already fill your life? Loving relationships? A healthy body? A vibrant mind? The simple joys of nature?  

Gratitude is a magnet for abundance.

4. Take inspired action.

Feeling stuck? Do something – anything – that sparks your energy. 

Maybe it's a walk in the sunshine, dancing to your favourite song, or finally starting that passion project. Movement creates momentum, and momentum invites miracles.


Remember, my beautiful souls, nothing is forever. 

I can tell you from personal experience that this moment of financial strain is a chapter, not the whole story.

Keep your vibrations high, your spirit bright, and watch as your world transforms.


One Year Of Igniting Passion & Purpose - Happy Birthday Spark Your Zeal!


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Disconnected