How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Disconnected

Sometimes, I feel like my usual enthusiasm has taken a vacation, leaving me feeling completely BLAH about life, work and everything in between. It's hard to even function at such a low vibrational level.

My friend, we ALL hit those moments where our zeal seems to completely fizzle out, sometimes for no reason at all. We feel disconnected from our friends, our family, our work… our purpose.

When you feel that low and sometimes scary disconnected feeling, it's important to go back to your ROOTS and back to connection.


Connect with Nature

One of my favorite ways to reconnect with myself is simply by being in nature. 

Take your shoes off and let your bare feet touch the ground and feel the grass beneath your feet. Find somewhere quiet and listen to the wind or sit by a stream and watch the water flow.

Trust me, it's amazing how healing being in nature can be.


Connect with your Tribe

Now is a good time to reach out to someone close to you that you trust. Someone who fills your cup and who you can be completely honest with. 

Sometimes all I need is a night filled with glasses of wine and laughter (or tears!) with my closest friends to bring me back.

We are built with the desire for connection, so don't be afraid to seek it out when you're feeling lost.


Connect with Yourself

Sometimes all you need is a little "me" time. Take a nice long bath (or shower if that's your thing!). Buy yourself an assortment of flowers and arrange them yourself.

Spend some time journaling and just let the words flow; it doesn't even need to be legible. 

One of my favourite ways to reconnect is by writing a love letter to myself, it does absolute wonders for raising my vibrations. 

Remember, reconnecting with your zeal is a journey, not a destination. It takes effort and commitment, but the rewards are immeasurable.

As you reignite your inner fire, you'll not only transform your own life but also illuminate the path for those around you.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Stressed About Money


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Lonely