How To Spark Your Zeal When Ignoring Self-Love


Valentine’s Day was on Friday, and love was in the air, wasn’t it? 💕 We took the time to celebrate the people we adore—our partners, children, parents, and friends. We wrote heartfelt notes, sent sweet texts, gave thoughtful gifts, and shared moments of gratitude. We poured love into those around us.


For me, this season of love was even more special because I also celebrated my daughter’s birthday. 🎂 Another beautiful reminder of how we express love—through our time, presence, and the little moments that make life magical. ✨


But let me ask you something……when did you last pour that same love into yourself instead of ignoring it?


So often, we give endlessly to others yet we don't offer ourselves the same kindness, devotion, and appreciation. But we should because true love starts from within.


The love you seek starts with the zeal you hold for yourself. Be your own greatest love story.

Here are a few activities to help you become your own greatest love story:


💖 Write a Zeal Letter to Yourself – Pour your heart onto paper. Express gratitude for who you are, acknowledge your journey, and speak to yourself with the same tenderness you would offer a dear friend.


💆🏽‍♀️Indulge in a Self-Love Ritual – Run a luxurious bath, light a candle, dance in your favorite silk robe—do whatever makes you feel abundant, radiant, and adored.


🗣 Speak Love Into Your Soul – Look in the mirror and say: I love you. I see you. You are worthy of the deepest, most unconditional love. Say it. Mean it. Feel it.


🌿 Nurture Your Spirit – Take a natural walk, savor a nourishing meal, and rest when your body asks for it. Love yourself through your actions.


You are just as amazing and worthy of love as the ones you cherish—so give yourself the same love you so freely give others.


Let’s make self-love a daily ritual and not something that we ignore. 

Are you in? 



“Every day, I pour love into myself and watch my soul flourish.”

This affirmation is a powerful reminder that self-love is not a one-time act, but a daily practice. When you consciously pour love into yourself—through kind thoughts, nourishing actions, and intentional moments of care—you create an inner environment where your soul can thrive. Just like a plant flourishes when given water and sunlight, your spirit expands and radiates when nurtured with love and attention. The more you commit to this practice, the more you’ll notice a shift in your energy, confidence, and overall well-being. Self-love is the foundation of a vibrant, fulfilled life.


How To Spark Your Zeal by Having a Heart-to-Heart With Your Younger Self


How To Spark Your Zeal When You Feel Hesitation