How to Spark Your Zeal When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed 

How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed? Like the weight of the world is crushing your spirit and snuffing out your joy? You're not alone. We all have those days.

But here's the secret: even in the midst of chaos, you can reignite your inner fire. It starts with one tiny spark.

The Spark Within

I like to think of my zeal as a fire, a radiant source of energy. Beautiful energy that I keep inside of me. 

When overwhelm strikes, it's like a bucket of water right on top of those flames.  It’s cold, wet and miserable.  

But even the tiniest ember can be fanned back to life with the right approach.

 That ember is your "one tiny spark" – one small, achievable task that you can conquer today. It's not about tackling the biggest problem or completing your entire to-do list. It's just about taking one step.

Choose Your Spark

  • Take a short walk and get your body moving

  • Spend 5 minutes making your bed

  • Reply to just one email

  • Water the plants in your house

  • Drink a full glass or water

It doesn't matter how SMALL it seems; what matters is that it's something you can do today.

This one tiny spark is a symbol of your resilience, your determination, and your unwavering spirit. It's a reminder that even amidst chaos, you have the power to choose action, to move forward, and to create your own light.


Fanning The Flames

Once you've completed your spark task, celebrate it!!! Revel in the accomplishment, no matter how small.  

This act of celebration is like a gentle breath fanning the flames of your inner fire. It reinforces the power of taking action and reminds you of the progress you're capable of making.

This week, I challenge you to embrace the power of one tiny spark. Choose your task, take action, and celebrate your win. 

 Remember, every spark counts.


How To Spark Your Zeal When You're Facing Rejection